Gene & Andrea’s 2010 Best of Skymall Guide

Yesterday we happened upon the lovely Skymall magazine while we were flying home from a trip to Mississippi.   There were so many great,great gift ideas in that magazine, but we did the dirty work for you and narrowed it down to the top 10 gifts that you can still buy this holiday season.  Yes, these gifts are available for purchase.  That means you pay real money in exchange for this merchandise.  We’ve added notes, suggestions, and links, (click on the name and you will be directed to the proper website)  If you have any of those “hard to buy for” people,on your Christmas list,  I’m sure there is something in here that will be just the ticket.



1.  Move over Snuggie, you are so 2008.  Introducing the Siamese Slanket!
This puppy would be great for date nights, or even a father-son hunting trip.


2.  Do you ever feel like you aren’t spending enough on a gift for a loved one?  Uh-huh, I know the feeling.  Like, you just need to spend a couple more bucks to not come across like a total cheapskate, but to drop another $20 is just too much. These Scrunchie Wraps will be your best friend.  A great way to nudge up the value of your gift.  It also looks like it would add some nice pizazz.



3. Is your son/boyfriend/husband the one who was always picked last on the team?  An underachiever? This would be a way to help him live out his unfulfilled dreams.  These Nascar Personalized Calendars put his name on the back of the jacket, in every action-packed scene from January to December. Some dreams weren’t meant to happen, but at least you can pretend they did.





4.  The next two gifts are for the musically inclined friend or family member.  This EZ chord devise takes away the difficult finger moves and replaces them with four buttons. As the package says-YOU even You can play your favorite songs instantly.  What’s not to love?


 5.  Along the same lines, here is  a Roll-up Piano.  I’m thinking about getting this for Elena.  Not only could she practice her piano at home; we could take it along on road trips, trips to the grocery store, trips to the library, trips to the park, you name it.  It seems like it would be a fool-proof way to get her daily piano practice completed.



6. A gift for the one with a green thumb? Try these shrub guards.  They are inexpensive,and I know I would sleep better at night if I tucked in all my shrubery.



7.  Here’sa gift for the pranster.  A remote controlled tarantula.  Gene summed it up well:  ‘This could be a real hoot”.  The only thing that could make it  funnier?? Set it loose….inside the SIAMESE SLANKET!!!




8.  Can’t get a handle on the bed bugs?  Especially since the epedemic in NYC bed bugs have been taking over.  If you are tired of the battle, these Bed Bug Proof Cover Sets will be a real blessing.  Simply cover those nasty boogers up, and PRESTO sleep comfortably again.



 9.  If you are looking for a nice piece to add some sty-el to your home, I would say your search has ended.  This Lampshade Lady screams KLASSY!  Folks, there was another statue I was on the fence about, its name was “Peeing boy of Brussels” and it doubled as a fountain.  But I had to cast my vote for the lampshade lady since i try to keep things family friendly here.


 10.   What says “I love you” more than the inflatable Skyrest?  So simple and ingenius for all your travel needs.  Simply store it in your carry-on luggage.  Dig it out during the flight.  Inflate.  Take a snooze. Wrestle with it as you are served pretzels and soda.  Deflate.  Accidentally elbow the stranger on your left four times when it doesn’t deflate properly. Stow under the seat in front of you.  Repeat as needed.


Happy Shopping!  It was our pleasure,
Gene & Andrea

14 thoughts on “Gene & Andrea’s 2010 Best of Skymall Guide

  1. Oh my goodness!  I love it.  I’m hoping you got your order in right away for the lamp lady.  Did you notice she’s on sale at the moment.  At $475.00 I’m thinking she’ll sell out fast…..  Also, as a piano teacher I’m thinking I’ll make the roll up piano a mandatory part of my studio.  Each one of my students will be required to have one of those $100.00 babies.  With all the extra practice they’ll be getting I’d say move over Dino, move over Elton John; the roll up piano people are the wave of the future!

  2. they were all insanely great. tucking in the shrubs– i think– had to be a all! lampshade lady a close second..this made me wish for a double date with ya`ll! great times! great read. šŸ™‚

  3. andrea. you are a hoot. i liked the skyrest myself, and the slanket. you could take both on your next air trip, and then your seatmate could also stay warm. seriously, who buys this stuff??

  4. So, so funny!  Thanks so much for helping me out with the shopping list. šŸ˜‰  The shrubs are the best by far.  Just what I’ve been wanting … prickly hollies to tuck in for the night.

  5. ha! great post! every time i see #10 i giggle to myself. he just looks so snuggly and comfy. you have to wonder how much they pay these models. couldn’t these photos be devestating to their careers? 

  6. This is SO funny! Somehow I get the idea that if I ever met you in real life I would really like your sense of humor! The only one that, I am somewhat ashamed to admit, I would maybe consider buying is that Nascar calendar.  not that my husband is an under-achiever.  But honestly, he might like that.

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